Board of Directors

Intermediate Unit Nine is a locally-controlled educational agency. The policy-making body is a board of education that includes 14 members. Intermediate unit school directors must be on the board of school directors of one of the constituent districts. These 14 school districts determine the work of IU9 by approving expenditures for services.

Intermediate unit staff meets at least five times per year with the advisory council to develop and recommend services to school directors of districts and of IU9. The 14 district superintendents comprise the advisory council.

School Directors 2024–2025

Raymond Learn - Smethport Area School District - President

Ryan Miller - Johnsonburg Area School District

Melissa Shields - Secretary - Non-member

Kimberly DeGolier - Treasurer - Non-member

Lance Baker - Otto-Eldred School District

Jerry Sasala - Austin Area School District

Gretchen Daugherty - Bradford Area School District

Shelia Guisto - Cameron County School District

Lisa Bretz - Coudersport Area School District

Kelly Macensky - Galeton Area School District

Maj. Thomas Kerek - Kane Area School District

Cale Grimes - Northern Potter School District

Linda Burks - Oswayo Valley School District

Christopher Ernst - Port Allegany School District

Aimee Kemick - Ridgway Area School District

Julie Bish - St. Marys Area School District